Crafting company culture: The power of workplace design

By Gilbert Broco, president, CI Group In the evolving landscape of business, where competition is fierce and talent is sought after, fostering a strong company culture has become a critical

Not Another Return to the Office Article

For nearly three years, companies have struggled with the question of how much time employees should spend in the office. Despite the passage of time, finding a definitive answer remains

CI Group announces major leadership promotions

The CI Group, a seller of interior and industrial products, has made two promotions in its leadership team, in Tampa. Gilbert Broco (pictured above) has been named president and Lauren

Scenes from TBBW’s 2023 Apogee Awards VIP reception (PHOTOS)

Tampa Bay Business and Wealth held its 2023 Apogee Awards VIP reception for sponsors and finalists. The Apogee Awards is a unique awards program, created by TBBW magazine, to recognize