Laying the Foundation for a Great 2020

Believe it or not, it’s already the fourth quarter of 2019. With the end of the year approaching, sales professionals in every industry are eager to lay a solid foundation

Three key ways to prepare for fall selling

It can be tempting for companies, and salespeople, to simply coast through the slow, late weeks of summer. Customers and prospects are trying to squeeze in those last few vacation

Manage Your Time This Summer

Summer can be a challenging time for salespeople and businesses. Yes, it’s a welcome respite from the demands of the job and a chance to recharge with family and friends.

Leveraging Social Selling to Avoid the Summer Slump

According to research, more than 60 percent of business professionals will take a summer vacation. At any given moment this summer, a third of your prospects and customers may be

The Importance of Breaking Down Barriers in Sales

While recently speaking with members of a women’s business association, I was asked about ways to break down the barriers faced by female sales professionals. My answer: Regardless of gender,

Four Goal Setting Habits of Effective Leaders

The first few months of the year is a classic time for sales professionals to diligently focus on identifying and fulfilling their most important personal and professional goals. We’ve noticed,

Four Simple Forecasting Rules for the New Year

As the New Year begins and the “revenue meter” officially (and regrettably?) resets to zero, most sales and management teams are in the process of fine-tuning their forecasting process. Most

Closing the year strong with less stress

As the holidays approach and year-end is almost upon us, many companies and individuals are preparing for that “final sales push” to reach their annual sales goals. It can be

Seven Signs It’s Time to Invest In Your Company’s Leadership

Most business owners and executives know that strong leadership is vital to a thriving, progressing company. The obstacle is knowing whether or not your company has strong, motivating leaders. Are