What’s on the Horizon for 2021?

Given the upheavals and uncertainty of this past year, many leaders and salespeople are wondering: What skills and adaptations, will be necessary to survive and thrive in 2021? I would

Thank you, COVID-19

There’s no question this past year has had a profound impact on many of our businesses, and lifestyles, as a result of the coronavirus. Companies downsizing (or going out of

Managing change on your sales team

2020 was the year. Your company was going to experience exponential growth. The plans had been meticulously prepared and presented, blessed by your board and applauded by all business unit

Lessons ‘relearned’ over the past few months

In the work we do with our business leaders and sales executives, we have a saying: “You either win or you learn.” The COVID-19 pandemic offers lessons to be learned

Three strategies for sales leaders in the ‘new normal’

If you’re a sales leader, you are tasked with striking a delicate balance—particularly during the current business climate. Your job is not to sell for the members of your team,

Is your team ready for a potential recession?

Many business owners and company executives we work with are going through difficult times in ensuring their operations run effectively and, more importantly, keeping their people focused and productive. We don’t

Three strategies to increase your closing ratios

With the first quarter of 2020 already “in the books,” you and your team should have a good idea of your year-to-date revenue pacing, what’s currently in your sales pipeline

Sellers’ rules for successful video conferencing

These days, more and more salespeople than ever are relying on video conferencing to move deals forward. But how many of them are using this powerful communication technology effectively, to

Three ways sales professionals can stay relevant

Selling for a living in the 21st century requires dealing with hard-to-anticipate changes in the areas of technology, marketplace trends and client and customer agendas. Falling behind in any one

Are your people willing and able?

At this time of year you might be thinking about adding to—or perhaps, top-grading—your sales staff. But what kind of salesperson should you be on the lookout for? What specific

Leaders: Do some reflecting on 2019

You already know the importance of setting goals for the New Year—certainly, you’ve completed yours—but does it make sense to also reflect on the successes and setbacks from 2019? Here

Five ways to position your business for growth in 2020

Business owners and leaders, beware: January will be here before you know it. With that inescapable reality in mind, consider the following strategies you can use right now to ensure