The New Wallcoverings: A Designer’s value adding super ingredient

In the ever-evolving world of home improvement, where each investment is measured by its impact on property value, wallcoverings emerge as a smarter choice above stone and tile focal walls. Smartly chosen Wallcoverings can harmonize preexisting tile, cabinets and countertops to create a cohesive modernized room.

We aren’t talking about your grandmothers’ florals, oh no! We are talking about the extraordinary textures, vegan leathers, wood veneers, grass cloths and modern patterns. When used in areas such as bathrooms and combined with new mirrors and decorative lights, these simple enhancements will take a builder grade bathroom from nice to extraordinary for a relatively small investment.

 This article delves into how designers are using wallcoverings in their remodeling tool kit to add value faster than cost.

Elevating Aesthetic Appeal and Market Perception

One of the most effective ways wallcoverings increase a home’s value is by elevating its aesthetic appeal. First impressions are crucial in real estate and the right textures and focal walls can transform a space, making it more attractive to potential buyers. In a competitive market, a home with finishing details that pulls together a cohesive room ambiance will be the home that resonates for buyers.

Wallcoverings also play a key role in creating a cohesive and polished look. Whether it’s contemporary designs that add modern flair, geometric wood veneers that add warmth in modern spaces or immersive patterns that give small spaces immense character, the right wall-covering textures help establish a home’s identity. This impactful detail makes a property feel and look far more appealing, in a crowded market.

Cost-Effectiveness and Impressive ROI

From a financial standpoint, wallcoverings offer an impressive return on investment (ROI). Compared to more extensive renovations, such as replacing countertops and tile. Wallcoverings provide a cost-effective solution to make “plain” bathrooms feel upscale and as the harmonizing material to make less desirable existing tile and cabinetry all work together.

These enhancements are less labor-intensive than major renovations, keeping costs low while offering substantial visual returns—making them a smart investment for homeowners looking to maximize value.

Durability and Long-Lasting Appeal

Another advantage of wallcoverings is their durability and longevity. Modern wallcoverings, particularly ones designed for wet spaces, are designed to withstand the test of time and protect walls in wet and high traffic areas. With resistance to stains, moisture and wear, these wallcoverings maintain their appearance longer, reducing the need for frequent maintenance, paint or replacement.

Personalization that Resonates through Texture, yet can be easily changed

Wallcoverings offer an unparalleled opportunity for personalization, allowing homeowners to express a home’s unique style. This customization can significantly influence a home’s market value, while also being easily changeable, which is a big plus for future buyers.

Ease of Application and Design Flexibility

The ease of applying wallcoverings further enhances their appeal. Unlike more invasive home improvements, wallcoverings can be installed quickly and with minimal disruption. This allows homeowners to update their spaces without the inconvenience of major construction—an attractive option for those preparing to sell.

Gone are the days of wallcovering being difficult to remove. Homeowners can easily update their wallcoverings to reflect the latest trends or personal preferences, ensuring the home remains appealing over time. This adaptability means that the value added by wallcoverings is not just a one-time benefit but can be sustained through periodic updates and new owner preferences.


Wallcoverings represent a cost-effective, high-impact home improvement that can harmonize existing materials to pull a room together. By enhancing aesthetic appeal, offering personalization and ensuring ease of application, wallcoverings deliver a substantial return on investment while also being an alternative to changing tile and countertops. In the world of home design, wallcoverings exemplify how thoughtful, strategic investments can smartly yield impressive and rapid rewards.

By Michael Mastry, owner and principal designer at Haven Design.

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