Solutions for Flood-Prone Areas by Haven Design

By Michael Mastry, Owner & Principal Designer

In the aftermath of Helene and Milton, the journey to recovery and rebuilding can feel overwhelming. As communities face the challenge of restoring their homes and businesses, the need for resilient and sustainable building practices has never been more crucial. At Haven Design, we believe that rebuilding is not just about restoring what was lost but about creating spaces that can withstand future floods and be more of a cleanup instead of a catastrophe.

The Importance of Resilient Building

Flooding is a reality that many communities in the Tampa Bay area should prepare for. Traditional building materials often fall short in the face of severe water damage, leading to costly repairs and prolonged displacement. All deeply affecting the local economy. 

Resilient building practices involve the use of materials and techniques that enhance a structure’s ability to endure and recover from flooding. The goal is not merely to survive the immediate impact but to minimize long-term damage and ensure a quicker return to normalcy. 


1. Wallboard Systems: Using a flood ready wallboard system is essential. One of many examples is a product called EnduraFlood. This wall board material does not absorb water, which prevents swelling, warping and structural weakening. Its non-porous nature also means that it dries quickly and can be easily taken down, cleaned and put back up, reducing the time and cost associated with post-flood restoration.

2. Stainless Steel Framing: Provides durability, corrosion resistance and a sleek, modern appearance, enhancing structural integrity and longevity, in various environments. 

3. Elevated Electrical and HVAC: Offers easier maintenance, reduces risk of water damage and allows for efficient airflow in critical areas, improving overall system performance.

4. Non-Adhesive Floorings (Avoiding Grout): Simplifies installation and maintenance, reduces the need for grout cleaning and offers a seamless, hygienic flooring solution.

5. Composite Materials for Doors and Trim: Combines strength and aesthetic appeal with resistance to wear, moisture and UV damage, ideal for areas that may be affected by flood waters.

6. Composite (often called Outdoor-Ready) Cabinetry: Designed to withstand weather elements, providing durability and minimal maintenance for both indoor and outdoor use, ensuring long-term functionality while maintaining visual appeal.

Implementing Resilient Design

Integrating flood-ready wallboards and other sustainable materials into building projects requires thoughtful planning and design. At Haven Design, we take a holistic approach to resilient construction, considering every aspect of the building process, from foundation to finish. We believe you should always consult with a design firm or contractor when making these changes.

Haven Design is here to serve our community. Now is the time to build back with resiliency for immediate peace of mind and added future value.

Born and raised in St. Petersburg, Michael Mastry, founder of Haven Design Center, boasts 17 years of architectural and interior design experience. Renowned for seeing potential in every design and first-class execution, Michael and his team have transformed numerous landmark homes and buildings locally and nationwide.

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