One Liners Hillsborough: Leadership Florida, Haven and more

► ZOM Living, a multifamily developer, completed the construction of Azola South Tampa, a 214-unit multifamily community.  ► Friends of the Children – Tampa Bay named Linda Kay O’Reilly to

One Liners Sarasota and Manatee: Children First, Coca-Cola and more

► Philip Tavill, chief executive officer of Children First, was honored by the National Head Start Association with the Sargent Shriver Excellence in Community Service Award. (Pictured above) ► Wisconsin-based

One Liners Hillsborough: Next Level Brands, Tampa General Hospital and more

►RHI Magnesita, a global supplier of refractory products, systems and services, opened its North American headquarters, at 1150 Assembly Drive, Tampa. (Pictured above) ► The National Maritime Law Enforcement Academy announced