The real reason you and your staff are tired at work (And three remedies)

By Joy Gendusa, chief executive officer and founder of PostcardMania

The digital revolution reshaped our lives. From instant communication to a universe of information at our fingertips, technology has become unavoidable.

And with the good, you must take the bad:

Nearly half of Americans cite too much screen time as a major culprit of constant tiredness. We’re always distracted, checking our smartphones 352 times a day. And the medical research is conclusive: too much screen time leads to insomnia, visual problems, decreased bone density and high blood pressure.

So how can we strike the right balance as business owners who care deeply for their employees — yet want to keep productivity high?

With 25 years of experience and 365 staff, and counting, I’ve implemented a few things that have worked wonders.

Create opportunities for in-person connection to boost profitability 21%

Try replacing one Zoom meeting a week with in-person meetups. Or host one large company-wide meeting once a week in person (like I do) so that the entire staff can get together across separate departments.

Besides meetings try implementing fun, team-building events that create moments for genuine connection and creativity. You don’t have to come up with everything yourself — ask around and see what people might be interested in doing.

All of this can pay off for your business — a Harvard Business Review demonstrated that brainstorming is more effective in person, leading to more innovative solutions compared to online collaboration. Another study found that companies with strong engagement experience 20% higher employee satisfaction and a 21% increase in profitability.

Embrace off-screen organization strategies to increase efficiency

The deliberate act of interacting with a physical object forces us to slow down, savor the moment, and be fully present in the experience. Help staff members plan out their weeks and avoid digital distractions by giving them paper planners, desk calendars or journals. Consider investing in branded journals too, to improve company morale and pride.

Yes, there’s an app for that, but digital organizational solutions can also lead to information overload and scattered focus. By incorporating off-screen techniques, you can help staff reclaim control and improve productivity.

Plus: physical planners offer a clear, holistic view of your schedule and deadlines, minimizing the likelihood of misunderstandings or double bookings (two big productivity drains).

A study conducted by Princeton University proved that writing things down increases memory and focus by 25%, compared to relying solely on digital reminders. Numerous other studies show that reading comprehension, focus and memory can all be improved by switching from screen-based reading to something paper-based.

Boost sales by 600% to pay for extra tangible costs

You might be thinking: “That all sounds nice, Joy… but also expensive!”

I get it! As business owners, it’s our job to protect the bottom line — and sometimes the best bottom-line remedy is to improve your top line, aka money coming in.

To boost sales without adding to the digital overwhelm clients and prospects already feel, try direct mail. It’s proven to drive revenue and I’m not just saying that because I’m the founder and CEO of a direct mail company — you don’t even have to use PostcardMania. (We just happen to be local and the best!)

I recommend direct mail because it works. I looked at 114,373 leads generated, in 2023, and found that leads from direct mail spent 6x more money than leads from digital sources. Average revenue per lead:

  • Direct mail leads: $233.53
  • Google ad leads: $38.98

Of course, you don’t have to rely on my word — numerous other studies verify direct mail’s unique effectiveness. Researchers from Temple University studied the reason print holds more gravitas for us as humans: it’s because our brains respond better to tangible stimulation. Another study found that physical mail has a higher open rate, of 90%, compared to the average email open rate of 20%. So, consider adding it to your sales funnel as well. These days, direct mail can be automated as easily as emails!

Joy Gendusa

Don’t forget to log the changes you make in your new, tangible office swag — you may be surprised by how effective unplugging and putting pen to paper can be.

Joy Gendusa is an entrepreneur, business owner, author, keynote speaker and philanthropist. With only a phone, a computer and postcards (no funding of any kind!), Gendusa grew her company, PostcardMania, from a small startup into an industry leader that generated over $100 million in 2023 and currently employs 360 people in the Tampa Bay area.

You can request free postcard samples at or connect with Joy by emailing [email protected].

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