Americas natural gas utilities embrace a commitment to be stewards of our environment as we look to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to boost our economy so it continues to thrive and to support our end-users – our customers – so they can enjoy the low cost and exemplary safety, performance and reliability benefits of natural gas.
The United States is going through a period of energy progress. Due to technological breakthroughs from businesses and the federal government, the U.S. is producing more affordable energy from a larger range of energy sources than anyone ever thought possible, in addition to using energy more cleanly and efficiently. Natural gas has been, and still is, a critical component of the nation’s energy portfolio. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan spoke at the last World Gas Conference held in the U.S. and stressed its importance as an affordable, secure and clean-burning fuel. That year, the U.S. produced just under 18 trillion cubic feet of natural gas which accounted for less than 10 percent of our power. Last year, the U.S. produced nearly 29 trillion cubic feet of this fuel and it was the single largest source of our electricity, accounting for 32 percent all U.S. production. Natural gas now makes up nearly one-third of the country’s electricity generation.
What’s more, U.S. energy-related carbon emissions hit a 25- year low in 2017, a fact that can be directly linked to increased natural gas use for power generation.
The U.S. is now producing enough natural gas and other fuels to be on the verge of energy independence.
On the environment: In the United States, and throughout the world, natural gas is an essential part of plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Natural gas technologies offer pathways to achieve our shared goal of reducing emissions while maintaining affordability, reliability and the quality of life that Americans enjoy. Abundant natural gas has made the United States a leader in greenhouse gas emissions reduction in the world.
On the economy: Abundant, affordable natural gas has delivered a renaissance for the American economy, saving families and businesses money — while boosting manufacturing and revitalizing entire economic sectors.
On end-users: A domestic abundance of natural gas has led to affordable and stable prices, which are expected to continue for many decades into the future. In addition, the pipelines that deliver natural gas are the safest energy delivery system in the nation. New technologies are making natural gas safer and cleaner.
The Natural Gas industry has a proven track record of delivering value to the customers, and the communities, that we serve. From reducing emissions by using our nation’s abundant natural gas in a safe, sustainable and environmentally responsible way, to providing jobs that support families and contribute to the economic vitality of our communities. America’s natural gas utilities are focused on a future that benefits all stakeholders – environment, economy and customers. Natural gas isn’t a path to another solution; it is a key part of the solution.
We are a competitive energy business with nearly 1,000 miles of underground gas main serving a footprint of 330 square miles. We are committed to be the energy provider of choice for our customers.
Chuck Warrington is the Executive Director of the Clearwater Gas System (CGS). He is a 40+ year utility professional with both electric and gas background & is Past President and currently serves on the Board of the Florida Natural Gas Association and is the Past President and Board member of the Florida Municipal Natural Gas Association. He is also Past Chairman and Board member of the American Public Gas Association and currently serves on the American Gas Association Board & is the Chair of its Small Member Council. Chuck can be reached at chuck. [email protected].