Five most-read TBBW cover stories of 2023

Here are the five most-read Tampa Bay Business and Wealth cover stories in 2023. 2. Jim Norman’s winding road of success 3. How Rick Brandt took his small-town, family business,

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Steve Frey: Lessons in business and being a dad

Steve Frey launched Oasis Corporate Housing during the financial collapse of 2008.  By 2018, the company had $62 million in revenue and, by 2022, revenue jumped to $120 million. He

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Scenes from TBBW’s CEO Connect with Steve Frey (PHOTOS)(VIDEO)

Tampa Bay Business and Wealth held its August CEO Connect with Steve Frey, chief executive officer of Oasis Corporate Housing, at the Floridan, in downtown Tampa. Presenting sponsors included Shumaker

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How Steve Frey created the ‘Airbnb for Business’ and his plans to bring the offering directly to consumers

Steve Frey has had a ‘meh’ opinion of the corporate world from an early age. He watched his father, after many years with an employer, experience a layoff and it

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