Welcome to the very first issue of Tampa Bay Business & Wealth. Much like your first black card, being among the elite who received this magazine means you’ve arrived too! TBBW is a new monthly publication, being launched by Lifestyle Media Group, which already publishes 11 other titles in southern Florida.
Why this magazine, why me and why now?
TBBW is the culmination of a vision, developed by LMG Chairman Gary Press and me to help propel the Tampa Bay economy, provide insight and access, and to recognize the companies and achievers who are driving our region’s success—that’s you! While we will break news, it will be news that uplifts individuals and businesses in our communities. We will be part of the solution, and the tremendous growth that awaits this place we call home. My relationships run deep in this region and helping to build businesses and reputations is what I love and do best.
Only those in the C-suite or decision-making chair, will receive TBBW every month—those are the leaders making things happen in our community. You and 15,000 other business leaders running companies of $3 million or more in revenue in our five-county area (Pinellas, Hillsborough, Polk, Sarasota, Manatee) will be our exclusive audience.
Each month, we will provide you with deep dives into CEOs you should know and do business with. We will tell their stories, as a whole person. How did they get where they are? What keeps them up at night? What drives them? What do they do on the weekends and after 5 p.m.? What is their philanthropic passion, and why?
Additionally, we will provide expert advice that will be a valuable use of your time, and of course, a bit of lifestyle and entertainment because we are all more than just our work—and enjoying the finer things in life is why we work so hard and give so much.
There’s a lot of news breaking each day in Tampa Bay, but we think many stories remain uncovered, or lack perspective and depth. Our magazine, website and weekly online newsletter will chronicle not only the traditional economic mainstays of our region, but surging sectors, including technology, startups, venture capital and private equity.
We will meet advertisers’ needs with customized solutions; we will be nimble and creative and will deliver what you need in order to grow your business. We provide very competitive advertising rates, and access to those you want to deliver your message to. We are gratified by the support of our advertisers, partners and the business community who have embraced our vision and joined us on this journey.
Gary and I have been colleagues and friends for almost 19 years. I first met him in 1999 when he was the publisher of the South Florida Business Journal and I, the ad director at the Jacksonville Business Journal. Once I was promoted to president & publisher in Tampa, our relationship and respect grew for each other and we are ecstatic to once again be working together.
In addition to thanking Gary for his belief in me and this community, I want to give a big shout out to two other people I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for—Jason Baker, associate publisher and Jo-Lynn Brown, managing editor. TBBW wouldn’t be possible without their hard work and dedication to providing this amazing product to you.
I welcome your feedback! Please email me at bbello@TBBWmag.com or call me at 813-298-9611. Be a part of the conversation …
With pleasure,
Bridgette Bello
CEO & Publisher