►SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler Realty recently listed and sold the building formerly housing Posto 9 in downtown Lakeland at 215 E. Main St. on Munn Park, and the building will be leased to another local restaurant, Nineteen61, a Golden Spoon Award winner in 2018.
►Molekule, a San Francisco air purification company with a research and development team already located at the University of South Florida, plans to open its first manufacturing facility on Anchuca Drive west of Lakeland Linder International Airport.
►Polk County Tourism and Sports Marketing and Polk County Emergency Management partnered with Publix Super Markets to produce and distribute the “Polk County Public Shelters” maps for 2019, designed to assist evacuees in finding shelter during an impending storm.
►The Polk County Office of Planning and Development is preparing to launch the ePermitHub Digital Plan Room—a new electronic document review tool for Land Development and Building records.

►Florida Polytechnic University researchers have developed a new cutting-edge technology that aims to simplify and make more affordable the detection of citrus greening in groves.
►After a brief period of retirement, board-certified cardiologist Patrick J. Reddy returned to the Watson Clinic at 1600 Lakeland Hills Blvd. in Lakeland.
►The National Association of Counties awarded Polk County’s Helping HANDS jail transition program an achievement award for the pilot program for jail transition, which uses community paramedics alongside recovery peer specialists to assist inmates with community reentry.
►The Explorations V Museum in Lakeland released plans for expansion in the next few years including building a new 47,000 square foot facility in Bonnet Springs Park, which is estimated to cost $22 million and be complete in summer 2021.
►A Polk County deputy sheriff and military police officer with the U.S. Army Reserve, Lee Amos opened a barbershop called “The Gentlemen’s Lounge of Barbering” in Mulberry and donated the opening day’s proceeds to a family whose 4-year-old son was diagnosed with brain cancer in May.