20 Questions with Rishi Patel

President and CEO of CAN Community Health

Dr. Rishi Patel, president and chief executive officer of CAN Community Health, has more than 23 years of experience in health care services management. He has a Doctorate of Pharmacy from Nova Southeastern University, a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Florida Gulf Coast University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Microbiology from the University of Florida. Patel’s journey toward executive leadership began in August 2015 when he joined CAN Community Health, as chief pharmacy officer. He was appointed as president and chief executive officer by the board of directors, in 2021. Patel was recently inducted into the Florida Council 100, an honor reserved for top-tier business leaders. 

1. College alma mater? University of Florida, Nova Southeastern University & Florida Gulf Coast University. 

2. Favorite TV show of all time? Seinfeld. 

3. Preferred place for a business meeting? At our new national headquarters, in Tampa.

4. Social media time suck of choice? Instagram. 

5. What time do you wake up on workdays? 5:30 a.m.

6. What’s a life hack you swear by? Cutting a tangerine in half and pushing the half inside-out to avoid the strings. 

7. A movie that terrified you as a child? Nightmare on Elm Street

8. Favorite local restaurant? Predalina.

9. Last book you read? “When I Stop Talking, You’ll Know I’m Dead” by Jerry Weintraub. 

10. Biggest business failure? Trusting your business partners.

11. Best concert you’ve ever seen, live? Taylor Swift.

12. Something you cook really well? Tomahawk steak. 

13. Most famous person you’ve ever met? George W. Bush.

14. Coca-Cola or Pepsi? Coca-Cola.

15. How do you manage the volume of emails you receive? Using filters, folders, marking important emails unread and staying up to date on emails. 

16. Last thing you ordered from Amazon? Trim for a light fixture.

17. Most used emoji? Thumbs up.

18. Charity you support? Besides CAN, the YMCA.

19. What is something silly you got in trouble for as a child? Playing basketball in the house.

20. Best advice ever received? It’s not how you fall down but how you pick yourself back up.  

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