20 Questions with Allen Brinkman

Allen Brinkman leads the bank’s operations and commercial banking team in the greater Tampa market and reports to Austen Carroll, executive vice president, chief lending officer.

The 94-year old, Florida-based bank entered the market last year through the acquisitions of Gulfshore Bank and Northstar Bank.

Brinkman previously worked as managing director of Atlantic Merchant Capital Investments and as chairman, president and CEO of SunTrust for Tampa.

1. College alma mater? The University of Georgia.

2. Last book you read? There’s No Such Thing as a Bad Kid by Thaddeus Bullard.

3. Last place you vacationed? Devil’s Thumb Ranch Resort & Spa in Colorado.

4. PC or Mac? PC.

5. Guilty-pleasure food? Anything leftover. I have four teenage boys. Food is scarce.

6. We’ll find you on the weekend doing? Spending time with my family. I do not compromise my time with them. I only have one shot at this life. I don’t want to look back with any regret.

7. Biggest fear? Not being at my very best in the darkest of moments.

8. Proudest moment? There is not one in particular. Many are equally as important as the other. Marrying my high school sweetheart, the birth of my boys, winning football championships, watching my boys make good decisions in life and hearing one of my boys use some sort of vernacular I use (it makes me feel like I’m still with it) and simply watching them grow up.

9. Dream dinner companion? It will be 30 years from now, sitting around the table with my four boys and wife enjoying a lifetime of great memories.

10. Any pets? Landry, a Kings Charles spaniel.

11. Who did you last text? My mother?

12. What is your cellphone wallpaper image? Financial market updates.

13. What do you listen to in the car? I have to be fluent in rock and roll, rap, country and talk radio. I have to stay relevant in conversations with my boys and when ordering a meal at McDonald’s. (Meaning, the Travis Scott Meal at McDonald’s, he clarified.)

14. What is your go-to drink order? Diet Coke.

15. Favorite candy? Gushers.

16. Do you suffer from Primenesia (the act of ordering from Amazon and forgetting about it)? I may need to seek professional help on this one. I don’t remember ordering bacon-scented soap.

17. Pool or beach? Beach in the winter.

18. Charity you support? My family foundation (12 hands) and the Bullard Family Foundation.

19. Favorite childhood memory? Telling my parents I wanted to be a garbage man when I grew up. Both my parents looked at me, turned their heads in unison and said, “back of the truck or driver?” I knew I had supportive parents at that moment.

20. Words of advice? Some of the best days I have had in my life were when I didn’t want to get out of bed. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

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