20 Questions with Joe Handy

Joe Handy has more than 20 years of experience in leading cultural institutions. He joined CMA, in 2022, from the National Black MBA Association, where he served as president and

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EXCLUSIVE: CEO Council of Tampa Bay’s new chair shares her mission to ‘embrace the whole CEO’

Amy Martinez-Monfort is looking to make 2023 an “unforgettable” year for members of the CEO Council of Tampa Bay. As the newest chair for the CEO-centric membership organization, she says

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20 Questions with Mike Sutton

Mike Sutton has served at Habitat for Humanity since March 2014. As CEO of a $25 million nonprofit organization, he provides leadership and oversees the continued delivery of Habitat for

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Q&A with The Bank of Tampa’s new CEO

The Bank of Tampa announced a significant change in its executive leadership in January, but the bank had been planting the seeds for succession long before the announcement hit the

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CEO Council of Tampa Bay’s incoming chair shares vision for 2022

When Ed Ellsasser steps into his new role as chairman of CEO Council of Tampa Bay, in January, he will have his hands full. After all, outgoing Chair Hugh Campbell,

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Four crucial considerations before hiring a CMO

By Christy Vogel Congrats! Your business survived the pandemic. Things are going well at your company. Revenue is steady, a niche has been established and you’re ready to take things

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