20 Questions With … Sarah Combs

Sarah Combs is the chief executive officer of the University Area Community Development Corp. She joined the organization in 2010, and under her leadership the organization has more than tripled the number of children and adults it reaches with education, health, workforce, cultural arts and other programs.

With more than 16 years’ experience in the nonprofit sector, Combs’ experience spans nearly every facet of an organization, from program development to real estate.

She previously served as the chief operations officer for the corporation and has been with the organization for nine years. Combs is an active member and volunteer in the Tampa Bay community, serving on the following boards:

Safe & Sound Hillsborough, Innovation Place, Commission on the Status of Women, Mort Elementary Community School, chairwoman of the Florida Alliance of CDCs and founding member of the Tampa Bay Community Reinvestment Association.

1 . College alma mater? University of Northern Colorado.

2. Last book you read? Walking With the Poor, by Bryant L. Myers.

3. Last place you vacationed? My husband, Will, and I snuck away to South Beach to celebrate 14 years of marriage with no children. It was bliss! 

4. PC or Mac? PC.

5. Guilty-pleasure food? Any type of cheese.

6. We’ll find you on the weekend doing? Chasing after my three children, Alyssa, Ayden and Trey.

7. Biggest fear? Not finding solutions to the challenges that plague our country (education, housing, equity, environment, mental health) and then passing our dysfunctional society down to our children to fix. 

8. Proudest moment? Becoming a mother three times over, nothing can ever beat the experience of childbirth – nothing less than a miracle.

9. Dream dinner companion? Hands down, my late grandpa, Jack. I would ask him for some sound advice on life.

10. Any pets? No pets, I have a hard enough time keeping track of my three kids and husband.

11. Who did you last text? My sister, Erin, to meet us at the Glazers Children Museum for a play date.

12. What is your cellphone wallpaper image? A picture of my family.

13. What do you listen to in the car? Hip hop and rhythm and blues.

14. What is your go-to drink? Dirty vodka martini with blue cheese stuffed olives served up.

15. Favorite candy? Anything with caramel.

16. Do you suffer from Primenesia (the act of ordering from Amazon and forgetting about it)? Of course. Did I mention I have three children? 

17. Pool or beach? Beach without a doubt, to listen to the waves.

18. Charity you support? University Area CDC, where we are improving the Uptown/University community one block at a time.

19. Favorite childhood memory? Spending Easter at Lake Powell and skiing each winter in Colorado with my family.

20. Words of advice? God is good all the time.

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