Name: Rivero, Gordimer & Company
Established: 1983
Top local executive(s): Herman Lazzara, CPA, Managing Partner
No. of employees in Tampa Bay: 70
Year it won Tampa Bay Chamber’s Small Business of the Year: 2018
When Rivero, Gordimer & Company won the Tampa Bay Chamber’s Small Business of the Year award, it was a time of transition for the Tampa CPA firm.
“At the time of the awards process, our firm was in a transition from the founding partners as leaders to a new group of shareholders and leaders,” says Herman Lazzara, CPA, Managing Partner. “RG&Co had established a set of firm values as part of that process. As it turned out, those philosophies lined up perfectly with the award categories.”
RG&Co won the coveted honor from the Tampa Bay Chamber in 2018, in the category of 21-50 employees.
Part of the process of moving through the SBOY judging phase is fine-tuning your company’s mission and goals and being able to articulate it, in great detail.
If you didn’t have or know that mission when you began the SBOY journey, you will by the time you finish it.
For RG&Co., it was already top of mind, but engaging in the SBOY awards helped to create excitement within their team.
“The award process was a great way to honor the history and founders. It also provided a wonderful way to engage the entire team. Seeing the excitement from the team building throughout the process was amazing,” says Michael Helton, CPA, Tax Shareholder. “It allowed them to see what is truly possible when all team members are pulling together in the same direction. This award was truly a great team win.”
The team-building element of SBOY can’t be undersold.
“We knew that we were competing against the best of the best in Tampa Bay and are still humbled by the win,” says Herman Lazzara, CPA, Managing Partner.
It was RG&Co.’s first, and only, time going through the SBOY process but the visibility it provided is long-lasting.
“This award has certainly given RG & Co better visibility and awareness in the community and allowed us to showcase the award in our marketing efforts,” says Michael Helton, CPA, Tax Shareholder.
While the process of SBOY can seem daunting at times the effort, if you win, can create a ripple effect in your business for years to come and the foundation can help you through some challenges that arise down the road.
“Business has changed significantly since winning in 2018, due in part to the pandemic in 2020. Being forced to handle issues around remote working, attracting and retaining quality staff, servicing our clients remotely while still adhering to industry and firm standards provided significant challenges,” says Herman Lazzara, CPA, Managing Partner. “Sticking to our Core Firm Values that we outlined during the SBOY18 process allowed us to continue providing high-quality services to our clients, staff and community, even under this new paradigm.”
In 2023, RG&Co. is celebrating its 40th anniversary.
“In this year of reflection, we continue to celebrate the successes of the past and look forward to an exciting and prosperous future,” says J.P. DuBuque, COO. “We continue to be proud members of the Chamber and of the Tampa Bay community. Our continued growth and success provide for an almost daily feeling of winning and gratitude.”
Responses provided by Herman V. Lazzara, CPA, Managing Partner, Michael Helton, CPA, Tax Shareholder – J.P. DuBuque, COO