20 Questions with Amanda Payne

Amanda Pasdon Payne began her chamber career, in Georgia, which she left at the age of 26, determined to see the world. Her adventures landed her in Morgantown, West Virginia where she earned her Executive MBA from West Virginia University. 

She spent 10 years in West Virginia, where she worked to better her community and the state. She served on various boards and aided in various community-centered projects including the Girl Scouts, Habitat for Humanity and other child advocacy groups.

Payne has served in the West Virginia House of Delegates for three consecutive terms, serving as chair of the House Education Committee, in her last term, and held the position of vice president and chief financial officer of the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce.

1. College alma mater? I am a Georgia Bulldog and a West Virginia Mountaineer. 

2. Favorite TV show of all time? So hard! Can I just say it’s a tie? Jeopardy and Law and Order SVU.

3. Preferred place for a business meeting? AMPLIFY’s new headquarters! We have the most gorgeous view, and cool building, that we enjoy welcoming people to. 

4. Social media time suck of choice? Instagram. I follow all these food/recipe creators and then save them ALL! I still need to get around to actually trying them though. 

5. What time do you wake up on workdays? 6:15 a.m.. I have two little guys that I get off to school, early, each morning. 

6. What’s a life hack you swear by? Using the notes on my phone to keep a running to do list. I will wake up in the middle of the night and add to the list. 

7. A movie that terrified you as a child? Mr. Boogedy. I never went into a basement alone or looked at a vacuum the same way again. 

8. Favorite local restaurant? It depends on my mood. I love Island Way Grill’s brunch. I found a fun little Mexican restaurant, last week, while on a date night with my youngest son called Taco-Quila. My recent kick has been a good gyro which we have no shortage of here. 

9. Last book you read? “In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day,” by Mark Batterson. It is best described as a Christian survival guide for lion chasers. Sometimes my dreams out pace me and I feel overwhelmed. Faith based guidance, and encouragement, nudges me in the right direction and helps keep me grounded. 

10. Biggest business failure? I started a company, a few years ago, without knowing the industry I was getting into. After 12 months of being in the red, and a lot of learning, I had to admit that maybe this was something I couldn’t make work under the circumstances of that time. I still own that business today, but it looks very different from the way it was and the vision for the future has also scaled back.

11. Best concert you’ve ever seen, live? George Strait. Hands down. 

12. Something you cook really well? I make a mean pot roast. Like, fill your whole house with aroma on a Sunday afternoon type of pot roast. It’s amazing!

13. Most famous person you’ve ever met? Lou Holtz. Just the nicest, most down to earth man with such great success and impact on so many young lives. 

14. Coca-Cola or Pepsi? I grew up in Georgia. Coke, of course. 

15. How do you manage the volume of emails you receive? I block off time at the end of each week to go back and respond to the less urgent emails I have received during the week. 

16. Last thing you ordered from Amazon? Easter Eggs (prefilled).

17. Most used emoji? The one with the crazy eyes and tongue sticking out. Because it’s how I feel most of the time. 

18. Charity you support? Habitat for Humanity, Clearwater Marine Aquarium, my church and my kids’ school. 

19. What is something silly you got in trouble for as a child? I was a total tomboy. My mom would dress me in all the frills and bows and I would destroy them (or lose them) by the end of the day. Probably why God made me a boy mom. 

20. Best advice ever received? The reminder to stay humble. It keeps me open minded, helps me to constantly learn from others and to appreciate the contributions of those around me. I have learned, over the years, that embracing humility fosters personal growth, strengthens relationships and helps navigate life’s success, and challenges, with grace. 

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