Engaging in an empathetic exchange via email

You get them—business emails, some you want, some you don’t, some you subscribe to and some that are spamming you. And you write them—business emails, some that people want and

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Easing into difficulties

People can be difficult. Situations can be difficult. Relationships can be difficult. You can be difficult. While “difficult” is not typically on anyone’s to-do list for any given day, difficult

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The reason words matter, and how to make matters about words

It’s true—tone and body language affect our interpretation of what is being said or shared. So, the words are skewed by the mood, as I like to say. Not ever,

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Engaging in an empathetic exchange via email

You get them—business emails, some you want, some you don’t, some you subscribe to and some that are spamming you. And you write them—business emails, some that people want and

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For the love of good habits

While habits are not glamorous and are rarely highlighted, let alone celebrated, we are, at our core, a series of habits. We may think of habits as our personalities or

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Cheers to a New Year…and not all-new approaches

As another year arrives, it is often the time for resolutions, declarations, changes and so much more. While all of that is exciting, and forward-thinking, in some ways those grand

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The art of the B2B interview

“You’re so lucky you run your own business. You get to do what you want when you want—your time is your own,” and “How do you coach people on interviewing

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Getting past the gamification of feedback

Giving and receiving feedback can be a gift … if we allow that experience to be that. With steady rates of job changes, and seemingly surprising resignations in many offices,

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How stopping ‘I’m Sorry’ and ‘I Can Help’ can start forgiveness, helpfulness

While many feel it is contributing, humble and useful to say “I’m sorry,” as well as “I can help you,” these statements can be distracting and even annoying, especially when

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The art of reconnecting in-person

It’s wonderful we are all getting out and getting in touch with clients, buddies and others in, and around, the community, state and beyond, isn’t it? Those encounters might feel

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Why ‘no problem’ and ‘no worries’ are problematic and worrisome

When someone does something for us, or compliments an action, an idea or an accessory, we often say, “Thank you,” or “Thanks.” Sometimes we get a reply, and other times

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Welcome to moving forward (with some hesitation)

With many of us altering our work environments with fewer remote—and more in-person—conversations, meetings and engagements, such freedom can feel like a reprieve from being isolated, at times, and at

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