5 things to consider before you decide on government contracting

Government contracting can be a lucrative business if you have the time, patience, knowledge and resources to do it the right way. There are no shortcuts, but with focus, and

Establishing, maintaining and even growing trust in times of difficulty

While people may be stressed, concerned and even distraught over what will happen to themselves, their role, their friends and family, this is a time when feeling safe, secure and

Four life-changing lessons for entrepreneurs

At my core, I am an entrepreneur. Simply put, I am a person who has always tried to figure out life in a fearless way. When I think back to

Are your people willing and able?

At this time of year you might be thinking about adding to—or perhaps, top-grading—your sales staff. But what kind of salesperson should you be on the lookout for? What specific

The youthful secret to a long-term staffing approach

As any CEO knows, one of the trickiest components of building a company is staffing the right team. Even when we think we’ve found our key players, we are disrupted

The Small Business Reorganization Act

Small business debtors have continued to struggle to reorganize effectively under Chapter 11 of the U.S. bankruptcy code. In August, President Donald Trump signed the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 into

Delegation is a Skill

As a CEO, executive or leader, you are expected to delegate, regardless of how big or small your business is. If you do not, you will quickly notice that your

For men, speaking out about mental health is now a life or death situation

According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, since 2008, suicide has ranked as the 10th leading cause of death for all ages in the United States. In 2016,

Leaders: Do some reflecting on 2019

You already know the importance of setting goals for the New Year—certainly, you’ve completed yours—but does it make sense to also reflect on the successes and setbacks from 2019? Here

Table manners lead to dining confidence and enjoyment

‘Tis the season for celebration. There will be networking events, cocktail hours and other exciting fast-paced opportunities to connect. There are the gatherings at homes, dinners, events that lead to

Five ways to position your business for growth in 2020

Business owners and leaders, beware: January will be here before you know it. With that inescapable reality in mind, consider the following strategies you can use right now to ensure

Create a culture of fulfillment

How many times have you heard a CEO say people are their most important asset? While the sentiment is admirable, how do we demonstrate to our people that we really