CBD Frozen Fruit Bars

“Soothe your mind, soothe your body and soothe your soul.” That’s the motto of these frozen treats. Soothe Ice was developed by the team at Buzz Pop Cocktails to create a fun way to use the benefits of CBD and fill a void in the booming $20 billion-plus industry. Soothe Ice is vegan, gluten-free, organic and fat-free. These pops are $6.00 each, by the dozen, and are available online at sootheice.com.
Waters Edge Wine
Waters Edge Wineries, an urban winery bringing a cultural experience of wine to communities across the country, signed a new agreement with existing owner Hayes Wineries to open two additional Waters Edge Winery & Bistro locations in Tampa and St. Petersburg. These locations will join 11 others currently open and operating throughout California, Colorado, Ohio, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Montana and Texas. Owned and operated by real estate developer Mike Hayes, Waters Edge Winery & Bistro, of Tampa and Waters Edge Winery & Bistro of St. Petersburg, will both open in 2021. For more, visit watersedgewineries.com.