3 signs your employees are afraid to talk to you 

Consider me your millennial whisperer. It’s official, those of us between 22 and 38 make up the majority of today’s workforce. Pretty soon, the “Zoomers” (Generation Z) will be following

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Avoid overcorrecting in times of crisis

If you’re a business leader, or sales manager, chances are the occurrences over the past several months were not in your original business plan. Many of us, in fact, probably cannot

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The case for an independent cancer care advisor

By Lea Ann Biafora How does one plan and prepare for the aftermath of a cancer diagnosis? Aside from doing your best to live a healthy lifestyle, and retain adequate

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What does your morning routine have to do with your legacy?

When I think about legacy—the impact we have on the world, on our communities, our businesses and our families—it seems so big and all-encompassing. A lifetime of effort, successes and

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How to keep your sales organization focused

During this time, when many of us are directly or indirectly dealing with issues related to the global COVID-19 pandemic or, perhaps, financial pressures on the personal and organizational levels,

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The etiquette (and empathy) of virtual professionalism

Late to a Zoom meeting because you are “so busy?” Garbled reception on the phone because you are at the beach and those darn waves keep making noise? Way behind

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The Value of Being Explicit 

Responsive, adaptive organizations invest time upfront to make future work easier. I call this frontloading. One simple, impactful and repeatable way to frontload work is by performing a team agreement

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Hiring Productive Sellers

Although the national unemployment rate spiked earlier this year, hiring a productive salesperson can still be a huge challenge. Salespeople tend to be outgoing, and engaging, and it’s easy to

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Clients, Sales & Recent Changes in Conducting Business

As we think about handling client calls and sales during change, I encourage you to instead position that thought, or those thoughts, as engaging with clients/members and sales respectfully moving

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Solving Skilled Labor Supply Chain Shortfalls

Hiring good people is hard. Hiring good people with specific skills, or credentials is harder. Hiring good people with specific skills, or credentials, in an industry where the demand is

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ACS sustains its vibrant passion on virtual platforms

Zoom confined their images to rectangles, but the virtual meeting room could not contain their passion. The American Cancer Society’s Southwest Florida team recently gathered a dedicated group of Making

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Positioning for Success

In times of uncertainty, we automatically look to see what is new that can help us adapt. It is a marketing technique to add “new,” and “improved,” to products as

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