The Tampa Bay Lightning celebrated winning their second Stanley Cup Final, in a row, with custom Cuesta-Rey Aristocrat cigars.
Imprinted with the Tampa Bay Lightning logo, these commemorative cigars were specially rolled for J.C. Newman Cigar Co., by Tabacalera A. Fuente, in the Dominican Republic.
“For 145 years, Tampa has been known as ‘Cigar City,’” said Drew Newman, general counsel, and fourth-generation cigar maker, in a statement. “Today, Tampa is also known as ‘Champa Bay,” a city of champions. Because we handcraft cigars, for relaxation and celebration, it is only fitting that Tampa’s latest championship was celebrated with some of Tampa’s finest cigars.”
As the exclusive Cigar Partner of the Tampa Bay Lightning, J.C. Newman sponsors a Diamond Crown Cigar Lounge overlooking the ice at Amalie Arena, the only place in the National Hockey League where cigar enthusiasts can enjoy a fine cigar while watching a game live.
These cigars were produced in limited quantities and are not for sale.
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