Are you using the early days of the season to hone your skills?

It’s the time of year when hope springs eternal, all 30 teams are undefeated, the weather is perpetually glorious and families are already thinking about summer vacation plans. It is

This is March Madness

If you’re a sports fan, you already know that “March Madness” refers to the annual NCAA single-elimination college basketball tournament. The month of March also signifies the arrival of a

How to increase profits by knowing your numbers: Part 2

In my last column, I covered the importance of knowing your numbers as a way to grow your business and make it more profitable. We explored the closing ratio. This

Engaging in an empathetic exchange via email

You get them—business emails, some you want, some you don’t, some you subscribe to and some that are spamming you. And you write them—business emails, some that people want and

How to increase profits by knowing your numbers

As Marcus Lemonis, the businessman and star of The Profit says, “If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t know your business.” Today, you will begin to know your business

For the love of good habits

While habits are not glamorous and are rarely highlighted, let alone celebrated, we are, at our core, a series of habits. We may think of habits as our personalities or

Still struggling with forecasting sales for 2022?

Sales has traditionally been an intuition-driven profession: “What’s in your pipeline?  What do you think is going to close?” But these days, that approach puts companies and organizations at a

Developing change-ready organizations

By Federico Foli and Vera Anderson The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that sudden, unexpected, changes are just part of life. The moments of change and transition can cause tension

Don’t let ‘the Great Resignation’ hurt your company

As we enter 2022, it’s an opportune time to both reflect on challenges, and successes, from this year and to finalize tactical plans to address potential obstacles for the upcoming

3 Questions for the New Year

Happy New Year. As we continue to reboot to whatever the “new normal” is, here’s hoping that this year will be one of health, happiness and prosperity for you and

Cheers to a New Year…and not all-new approaches

As another year arrives, it is often the time for resolutions, declarations, changes and so much more. While all of that is exciting, and forward-thinking, in some ways those grand

The art of the B2B interview

“You’re so lucky you run your own business. You get to do what you want when you want—your time is your own,” and “How do you coach people on interviewing