What you should know about estate planning (PHOTOS)

Tampa Bay Business and Wealth held a Women of Influence panel discussion on the topic of estate planning, at Five Labs, in Tampa.  Bridgette Bello, chief executive officer and publisher

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Exclusive: Girl Scouts of West Central Florida Announces 2023 Women of Distinction honorees

Girl Scouts of West Central Florida has named six Tampa Bay women who will be honored at its annual Women of Distinction Luncheon, on March 10, 2023, at Armature Works.

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Women in commercial real estate, design, construction and development (PHOTOS)

Tampa Bay Business & Wealth’s “Women of Influence” series is an exclusive, invitation-only event that brings together Tampa Bay’s top businesswomen to meet, mingle and talk among their peers. The

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Female leaders at AdventHealth are on a mission to deliver compassionate care to the community

The Tampa Bay area is an economically robust epicenter at the intersection of health care, technology and business. This evolution of the area is led by exceptional leadership in these

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Girl Scouts of West Central Florida announces board of director additions

Girl Scouts of West Central Florida elected 11 members to their Board of Directors at its annual meeting, including two Girl Scout girl members. GSWCF also elected six new members

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Scenes from TBBW’s Women of Influence at Workscapes (PHOTOS)

Tampa Bay Business and Wealth Magazine held a Women of Influence panel discussion at Workscapes, in Tampa. The topic was Women in Commerical Real Estate, Construction and Development. The event

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Sandra Murman receives local honor on International Women’s Day

Sandra “Sandy” Murman, former Hillsborough County Commissioner and principal at Shumaker Advisors Florida, is being recognized on International Women’s Day with the Working Women of Tampa Bay 2022 Leadership Award.

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Jacqueline Darna is ready to take her latest startup mainstream

Physician Jacqueline Darna checks a lot of boxes in the game of life. She’s a woman, Hispanic, a health care professional, an entrepreneur, intelligent yet a lot of fun, a

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Tampa Tarpons makes history with appointment of new manager for next season

When baseballs break windows someone gets in trouble. When Rachel Balkovec broke a glass ceiling it was cause for celebration. The Tampa Tarpons have tapped Balkovec to be manager of

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USF Interim President Rhea Law honored with Governor’s Business Leader Award

Rhea Law, interim president of the University of South Florida, was honored with the Governor’s Business Leader of the Year Award at the Fall Meeting of the Florida Council of

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Leah Roddenberry reigns

Tampa Bay area resident Leah Roddenberry earned a royal upgrade in June, when she shifted her Miss Tampa crown over to make way for the Miss Florida tiara. The honor

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Pamela Noel: A doctor, inventor, author and a philanthropist

The adage “Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime” rings true to Pamela Noel.

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