Buckley, a sea turtle with an incredible survival story, is ready to return home after an unexpected detour—more than a mile inland.
Discovered stranded on a dirt road, in rural Dixie County, last November, Buckley’s journey back to the water has been months in the making. Thanks to quick-thinking Good Samaritans who alerted the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, along with the expert care of The Florida Aquarium’s Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center, Buckley was released in Tarpon Springs.
After an initial rescue and stabilization by the University of Florida Marine Animal Rescue team, Buckley was transferred to The Florida Aquarium, where veterinarians worked to reverse dangerously low blood sugar, heal shell abrasions and help the turtle regain strength.
The Florida Aquarium is inviting the community to track Buckley’s journey via satellite tag, thanks to a grant from Verizon, in collaboration with the Sea Turtle Conservancy.
Each time Buckley surfaces to breathe, the tag will send a signal to a satellite, enabling real-time tracking of his feeding habits, migratory patterns and environmental conditions, like water temperatures. This research will help scientists at The Florida Aquarium better understand sea turtle behaviors and improve future rehabilitation efforts.