Four crucial considerations before hiring a CMO

By Christy Vogel Congrats! Your business survived the pandemic. Things are going well at your company. Revenue is steady, a niche has been established and you’re ready to take things

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Attaining employee engagement to drive customer experience EX + CX = OX

The ultimate question of which came first, the chicken or the egg, could be applied to the Customer Experience (CX) and Employee Experience (EX). Which one comes first? According to

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Building a high-performance sales team

Ask any sales leader whether they want to build a high-performing team and the immediate, and obvious, answer will be, “Yes.” But what are the specific best practices that support

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Prepare for hybrid work now

We are finally starting to see COVID-19 vaccines being distributed, and they will soon be made available to the general public. Best case scenario, these vaccines will accomplish what they’re

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How AI and data analytics are transforming the way we work

By Kirstie Tiernan, principal, BDO Digital The portrayal of artificial intelligence (AI) in movies and science fiction often leaves workers fearing that they could be replaced by robots. While this

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Empathy and how to practice it

There’s that word again: empathy. It’s buzzing this year. Forbes named it the No. 1 skillset to shift in 2021. “Empathy is connecting to the emotions that underpin an experience,

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Critical elements of proactive client retention

Here’s a tricky question, from the Sandler Research Center, for any business leader responsible for customer success or net revenue retention. Of all the clients who changed suppliers last year,

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Embrace the power of, and the power in, collaboration

“Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” — poet Mattie Stephanek Collaboration is empowerment. Collaboration is not giving up something. Collaboration is a

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Kindness from the heart

Some kindness is a courtesy, such as holding the door for the next person to enter or exit. Some kindness is situational, like when someone asks you what you think

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Use KARE when growing your business

Whether you are a sales leader responsible for an entire team’s performance or a single salesperson looking to hit your income target, you are well on your way to implementing

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‘Happy New Year’ is an attitude

While the ringing in at midnight to celebrate, and welcome, 2021 might have been something even more desired this year than ever before, there is always something about each New

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What’s on the Horizon for 2021?

Given the upheavals and uncertainty of this past year, many leaders and salespeople are wondering: What skills and adaptations, will be necessary to survive and thrive in 2021? I would

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