What’s on the Horizon for 2021?

Given the upheavals and uncertainty of this past year, many leaders and salespeople are wondering: What skills and adaptations, will be necessary to survive and thrive in 2021? I would

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Customer experience vs. customer service

Customer service has a point where it starts and ends. The customer experience has a starting point long before a purchase decision was made, and an infinite ending, all of

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12 YAYS of the holidays!

While you may or may not have a lot of traditions in the past, it’s likely that each of them are coming to mind this year. Many of us have

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Two coaches share how to prepare your mind for 2021

This year has taken us by storm. When the clock struck midnight on New Year’s, we were celebrating the upcoming year with hopes for clarity, 20/20 vision, flow and prosperity.

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2021 will be the year of the ‘Platinum Rule’

In the time of COVID-19, networking and business success depends not necessarily on following the Golden Rule. You’ll get further in the New Year with the Platinum Rule: Do unto others

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Planning holiday celebrations during the pandemic

This time last year, our calendars were filled to capacity with holiday parties and year-end celebrations, but things are quite different in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has

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2020: Something to be grateful for

Everyone keeps telling us we’re grieving about the way life used to be but there’s much more to 2020 than grief. Of course, this year brought uncertainty, fear and inconvenience, but

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Thank you, COVID-19

There’s no question this past year has had a profound impact on many of our businesses, and lifestyles, as a result of the coronavirus. Companies downsizing (or going out of

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Managing change on your sales team

2020 was the year. Your company was going to experience exponential growth. The plans had been meticulously prepared and presented, blessed by your board and applauded by all business unit

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How to do something instead of saying, ‘Let me know if there’s something I can do’

Please know all offers, and intended kindnesses, are appreciated. They are. This is not a message of shame or criticism. Rather, from an etiquette perspective, coming from a person who

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Community leaders share how they are stronger than stigma

In my new book, “Stronger Than Stigma. A Call to Action: Stories of Grief, Loss, and Inspiration,” I share the connection several leaders in Tampa Bay have to mental illness,

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The 5 Ws of transparency: Meeting audience expectations

It should be obvious, at this point, that we live in a time where consumers and audiences expect brands to be transparent. The idea of transparency, and authenticity, for communications,

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